Responsible of the protection of your personal data


MyMPT with domicile at Alemania 1728 Colonia La Moderna, CP 44190, Guadalajara, Jalisco, is Responsible for the treatment of your personal data.


Forms and means of contact


You can contact us by means of a written document, addressed to the Info Manager and sent to us at the following e-mail address:  or by post to the following address: Alemania 1728 Colonia La Moderna, CP 44190, Guadalajara, Jalisco.


Purposes of Collected Personal Data


Your personal data will be used by the Responsible and Persons in Charge for the following purposes:

  1. Administrative purposes such as invoicing and follow up to the client.
  2. Access to the Responsible facilities’ and identification.
  3. Follow up and confirmation on the services hired.
  4. Offering of products and services.
  5. Investigation purposes.
  6. Advertisement purposes.
  7. Collection of any amount and other disbursements of the services hired.
  8. To evaluate services quality and offer others similar.
  9. Updating, management control with suppliers and services in general.
  10. Collection of any amount and other disbursements of the services hired.
  11. Rendering the services agreed with MyMPT.
  12. Any other activity aimed to promote, maintain, improve and evaluate the services hired with the Responsible.


Data collected and Means of Obtaining Personal Data


The personal data we gather from you, for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, are gathered personally when you provide them to us directly, online and when we obtain information through other sources permitted by the law. Personal Data is gathered directly from you through various media, such as when you hire us a service. The data we gather directly and through the Internet are the following:


Personal Data:


  1. Full name
  2. Gender
  3. Domicile
  4. Marital Status
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Occupation
  7. Nationality
  8. Particular, office and cellular phone number
  9. E-mail
  10. Taxpayers’ id ( Registro Federal de Contribuyentes )
  11. CURP ( Clave Única de Registro de Población – Unique code of population registry )
  12. Professional, financial and/or property references.
  13. Identification and contact data of people whom you have appointed as reference and that is necessary for the rendering of the hired services with the Responsible. By providing such data you acknowledge to have the prior consent of such people for the treatment of their data.


Once the Personal Data’s purposes are accomplished, the Responsible will proceed to the Lock thereto for a 5 years period and follow to their elimination.


Exercising ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition)


You have the right to access the Personal Data in our possession, have details of how we process them, rectification if they are inaccurate or incomplete, cancel them when you consider them to be unnecessary for any of the purposes contained in this Privacy Notice, which are used for purposes not consented to and, finally, to object to the processing of said data for specific purposes which you should state clearly (“ARCO” Rights).


Mechanisms for the Exercising of ARCO Rights


For these procedures, requirements and deadlines, you may contact our Personal Data department directly at the offices of the Responsible, via e-mail to the following address


After submitting your request for access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding your Personal Data, if appropriate, the Responsible will respond to your request within the terms established by the Law, through physical or electronic means that you may authorize in your request.


The rights described above can be exercised by email, and delivered to without any cost. Your request will be processed within a period of twenty days maximum from the date of receipt of your request for access, rectification, cancellation or objection. We should make clear that the Federal Institute for access to Information and Protection of Personal Data ( Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales ) is entrusted with ensuring your ARCO Rights and regulation and verifying compliance with the Law.


Right to revoke consent for the processing data


You may revoke any consent you have given, at any time, for the processing of your personal data and the revocation will apply to all future use of the data. To do so you must submit your request as described in the section “Contact”. Your request should include your full name (name, middle name and surname(s), a simple copy of your official identification or, for electronic means, a digitalized version (scan), mention of the e-mail or physical address assigned for notifications and a contact telephone number.


You will receive a response to your revocation application in a period of not more than twenty days counted from the date of receipt, by electronic means addressed to you personally and sent to the e-mail address given in the application itself of by letter sent to the physical address given for such purposes (the twenty-day period will be considered met on delivery to the postal service).


Transfer of Data


Additionally, we hereby inform you that in order to comply with the obligations derived from the legal relationship between the Responsible and you, as well as those purposes contained herein, the Responsible shall transfer, without your consent, the personal data necessary to any competent authority if legally required; to third parties either nationals or foreign whom take part of the rendering of the hired services.


Changes to this Privacy Notice


We reserve the right to make changes to or up-date this privacy notice at any time. The changes that are made will be made available to the public by any of the following means: through our Internet website, by e-mail to the most recent address provided by you or personally by our personnel.


Information in Internet


You are advised that when you access our Internet site, we use Cookies to obtain information such as the type of browser and operating system, Internet sites recently visited, links you have followed recently, the IP address of your computer and the site you closed before entering our Internet site.




The following definitions are understood for the purposes of this Privacy Notice:


I.- Lock.- The action to prevent treatment of Personal Data for any purposes, excepting its storage and access to determine possible liabilities relating to the treatment of personal data.

II.- Cookies.- These are text files which are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer equipment when navigating a specific Internet page or site, which allow the Internet server to store certain data, among others, preferred Internet pages, some codes and passwords.

III.- Personal data.- any information concerning to an identified or identifiable individual.

IV.- Days.- In accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Fraction VII of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Entities, the time frames established in days, shall be counted in working days.

V.- ARCO Rights.- These are Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Objection established by Law and which name is derived from its initials.

VI. Person in charge.- Private or public individual or entity, external to the Responsible’s organization, who treats personal data on behalf of the Responsible, by means of a legal relationship between both.

VII.- Law.- Refers to the Federal Law for the Protection of personal data in the Possession of Particulars ( Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares ), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation ( Diario Oficial de la Federación ) on July 5 th , 2010.

VIII.- Responsible.- individual or entity of a private nature which decides on the processing of personal data, in this case refers to MyMPT and/or any of its subsidiaries.